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Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) Dentre os processos qumicos abaixo, assinale aquele que ocorre em uma nica etapa elementar.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) O perclorato de amnio (PA) um dos componentes mais utilizados em propelentes de foguetes. Para aperfeioar seu desempenho, hidrognio pode ser utilizado como aditivo. Considere dadas as entalpias de combusto destas espcies: Hc,PA= -189 kJ mol-1;Hc,H2= -286 kJ mol-1 Com base nessas informaes, assinale a opo que apresenta a equao linear da variao da entalpia de combusto da mistura de PAcom H2em funo da quantidade de H2


(ITA - 2018 - 1FASE) AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of science fiction. _____(I)_____ advances in neural sciences, 1it has become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, _____(II)_____ for mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug delivery, _____(III)_____ employing brain-machine interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation, introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering. The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and ethical issues are _____(IV)_____ welcome. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies address the announced theme of brain augmentation. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review. Fonte: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1563/augmentation-of-brain-function-facts-fiction-and-controversy. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2017. Marque a opo que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas I, II, III e IV inseridas no texto.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Considere quatro cargas fixadas sobre o eixo x orientado para a direita. Duas delas, q1 e +q1 separadas por uma distncia a1 formam o sistema 1 e as outras duas, q2 e +q2 separadas por uma distncia a2,formam o sistema 2. Considerando que ambos os sistemas esto separados por uma distncia r muito maior que a1e a2 conforme a figura, e que (1+ z)-2 ≃1 2z + 3z para z ≪1,a fora exercida pelo sistema 1 sobre o sistema 2


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Um pndulo simples de massa m e haste rgida de comprimento h articulado em torno de um ponto e solto de uma posio vertical, conforme a Figura 1. Devido gravidade, o pndulo gira atingindo uma membrana ligada a um tubo aberto em uma das extremidades, de comprimento L e rea da seo transversal S (Figura 2). Aps a coliso de reduzida durao, ,o pndulo recua atingindo um ngulo mximo (Figura 3). Sejam a densidade de equilbrio do ar e c a velocidade do som. Supondo que energia tenha sido transferida somente para a harmnica fundamental da onda sonora plana no tubo, assinale a opo com a amplitude da oscilao das partculas do ar.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) (3 questo sobre o texto) GOODBYE THINGS, HELLO MINIMALISM: 1CAN LIVING WITH LESS MAKE YOU HAPPIER? Fumio Sasaki owns a roll-up mattress, three shirts and four pairs of socks. After deciding to scorn possessions, he began feeling happier. He explains why. Let me tell you a bit about myself. Im 35 years old, male, single, never been married. I work as an editor at a publishing company. I recently moved from the Nakameguro neighbourhood in Tokyo, where I lived for a decade, to a neighbourhood called Fudomae in a different part of town. 2The rent is cheaper, but the move pretty much wiped out my savings. Some of you may think that Im a loser: an unmarried adult with not much money. The old me would have been way too embarrassed to admit all this. I was filled with useless pride. But I honestly dont care about things like that any more. The reason is very simple: Im perfectly happy just as I am. The reason? I got rid of most of my material possessions. Minimalism is a lifestyle in which 3you reduce your possessions to the least possible. Living with only the bare essentials has not only provided superficial benefits such as the pleasure of a tidy room or the simple ease of cleaning, 4it has also led to a more fundamental shift. Its given me a chance to think about what it really means to be happy. We think that 5the more we have, the happier we will be. 6We never know what tomorrow might bring, so we collect and save as much as we can. This means we need a lot of money, so we gradually start judging people by how much money they have. You convince yourself that you need to make a lot of money so you dont miss out on success. And for you to make money, you need everyone else to spend their money. And so it goes. So I said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which Id had for years. And yet now I live each day with a happier spirit. 7I feel more content now than I ever did in the past. I wasnt always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things, believing that all those possessions would increase my self-worth and lead to a happier life. I loved collecting a lot of useless stuff, and I couldnt throw anything away. I was a natural hoarder of knick-knacks that I thought made me an interesting person. At the same time, though, I was always comparing myself with other people who had more or better things, 8which often made me miserable. I couldnt focus on anything, and I was always wasting time. Alcohol was my escape, and I didnt treat women fairly. I didnt try to change; I thought this was all just part of who I was, and I deserved to be unhappy. My apartment wasnt horribly messy; if my girlfriend was coming over for the weekend, I could do enough tidying up to make it look presentable. On a usual day, however, there were books stacked everywhere because there wasnt enough room on my bookshelves. Most I had thumbed through once or twice, thinking that 9I would read them when I had the time. The closet was crammed with what used to be my favorite clothes, most of which Id only worn a few times. The room was filled with all the things Id taken up as hobbies and then gotten tired of. A guitar and amplifier, covered with dust. Conversational English workbooks Id planned to study once I had more free time. Even a fabulous antique camera, 10which of course I had never once put a roll of film in. 11It may sound as if Im exaggerating when I say I started to become a new person. Someone said to me: All you did is throw things away, which is true. 12But by having fewer things around, Ive started feeling happier each day. Im slowly beginning to understand what happiness is. If you are anything like I used to be miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life sucks 13I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things. [] Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy happiness only makes us happy for a little while. Fonte: adaptado de https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/apr/12/goodbye-things-hello-minimalism-can-living-with-lessmake-you-happier. Acesso em: 21 mai. 2017. Sobre Fumio, correto afirmar que


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Quatro corpos pontuais, cada qual de massa m, atraem-se mutuamente devido interao gravitacional. Tais corpos encontram-se nos vrtices de um quadrado de lado L girando em torno do seu centro com velocidade angular constante. Sendo G a constante de gravitao universal, o perodo dessa rotao dado por


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Os pontos no grfico indicam a velocidade instantnea, quilmetro a quilmetro, de um carro em movimento retilneo. Por sua vez, o computador de bordo do carro calcula a velocidade mdia dos ltimos 9kmpor ele percorridos. Ento, a curva que melhor representa a velocidade mdia indicada no computador de bordo entre os quilmetros 11e 20


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) Sejamenmeros inteiros positivos. Seeso, nessa ordem, termos consecutivos de uma progresso geomtrica de razoe o termo independente de igual a 7920, ento+


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) A partir de um mesmo ponto a uma certa altura do solo, uma partcula lanada sequencialmente em trs condies diferentes, mas sempre com a mesma velocidade inicial horizontal v0.O primeiro lanamento feito no vcuo e o segundo, na atmosfera com ar em repouso. O terceiro feito na atmosfera com ar em movimento cuja velocidade em relao ao solo igual em mdulo, direo e sentido velocidade v0.Para os trs lanamentos, designando-se respectivamente de t1, t2 e t3 os tempos de queda da partcula e de v1, v2 e v3 os mdulos de suas respectivas velocidades ao atingir o solo, assinale a alternativa correta.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) Considere as seguintes semirreaes de oxirreduo e seus respectivos potenciais padro na escala do eletrodo padro de hidrognio (EPH) Assinale a opo que apresenta a afirmao ERRADA sobre uma clula eletroqumica em que a semirreao I ocorre no anodo e a semirreao II, no catodo.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) Um dado material slido em equilbrio trmico emite radiao semelhante a de um corpo negro. Assinale a opo que apresenta a curva que expressa a relao experimental CORRETA entre o comprimento de onda do mximo de emisso e a temperatura desse material.


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) Considere dadas as constantes de dissociao cida (Ka) ou bsica (Kb) das seguintes substncias, a 25 C: fenol (C6H5OH), Ka= 1 x1010 e anilina (C6H5NH2), Kb = 7 x1010. Sobre o pH de solues aquosas dessas substncias so feitas as seguintes afirmaes: I. A soluo aquosa de fenol a 1 x104 mol L1 tem pH 5. II. A soluo aquosa de anilina a 1 x104 mol L1 tem pH 9. III. Ambas as solues aquosas a 1 x104 mol L1 tm pH aproximadamente iguais. Das afirmaes acima est(o) CORRETA(S)


(ITA - 2018 - 1 FASE) (2 questo sobre o texto) O fato de Helga usar a expresso Oh... now, mother..., significa que ela


(ITA - 2018 - 1 Fase) Sobre indicadores de pH, ERRADO afirmar que