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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 22

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Um circuito eltrico constitudo por um nmero infinito de resistores idnticos, conforme a figura. A resistncia de cada elemento igual a R. A resitncia equivalente entre os pontos A e B

Questão 22

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Curiosity killed a cat.That cautionary clichhas passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (...) While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York -a research and development facility -I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural -but it wasnt unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive. I was thrilled -and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic. Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (...) What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach -a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity, -that word again. Of course, today we dont take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, theres another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all a cat has nine lives. Well, so do artists. Don Bolognese Watson-Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted) p.8/9. Com base nas informaes contidas no texto, depreende-se que um possvel ttulo para o livro do qual a introduo acima foi extrada :

Questão 22

(ITA - 2001 - 2 FASE )Justificar por que cada uma das cinco afirmaes da questo 05 est CORRETA ou ERRADA. Q05) -Considere as afirmaes abaixo relativas concentrao (mol/L) das espcies qumicas presentes no ponto de equivalncia da titulao de um cido forte (do tipo HA) com uma base forte (do tipo BOH): I - A concentrao do nion A- igual concentrao do ction B+ II - A concentrao do ction H+ igual constante de dissociao do cido HA. III - A concentrao do ction H+ consumido igual concentrao inicial do cido HA. IV - A concentrao do ction H+ igual concentrao do nion A V - A concentrao do ction H+ igual concentrao do ction B+

Questão 23

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Curiosity killed a cat.That cautionary clichhas passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (...) While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York -a research and development facility -I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural -but it wasnt unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive. I was thrilled -and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic. Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (...) What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach -a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity, -that word again. Of course, today we dont take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, theres another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all a cat has nine lives. Well, so do artists. Don Bolognese Watson-Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted) p.8/9. Considere as afirmaes abaixo: I. O provrbio sobre a curiosidade do gato remete prpria curiosidade do autor. II. O autor demonstra seu afeto por gatos ao utilizar os clichs no incio e no final do texto. III. Em sua primeira experincia com computao grfica, o autor fez o esboo de um cavalo. Est(o) condizente(s) com o texto:

Questão 23

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Um bloco com massa de 0,20 kg, inicialmente em repouso, derrubado de uma altura de h = 1,20 m sobre uma mola cuja constante de fora k = 19,6 N/m. Desprezando a massa da mola, a distncia mxima que a mola ser comprimida : Dado: g = 9,8 m/s

Questão 23

(ITA - 2001 - 2 FASE )Justificar por que cada uma das cinco opes da questo 11 est CORRETA ou ERRADA. Q11) - Afigura abaixo mostra como a entalpia dos reagentes e dos produtos de uma reao qumica do tipo A(g) + B(g) C(g) varia com a temperatura. Levando em considerao as informaes fornecidas nesta figura, e sabendo que a variao da entalpia (∆H) igual ao calor trocado pelo sistema presso constante, ERRADO afirmar que a) na temperatura T1 a reao ocorre com liberao de calor. b) Na temperatura T1, a capacidade calorfica dos reagentes maior que a dos produtos. c) No intervalo de temperatura compreendido entre T1 e T2, a reao ocorre com absoro de calor (∆Hzero). d) O ∆H, em mdulo, da reao aumenta com o aumento de temperatura. e) Tanto a capacidade calorfica dos reagentes como a dos produtos aumentam com o aumento da temperatura.

Questão 23

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) A razo entre a rea da base de uma pirmide regular de base quadrada e a rea de uma das faces 2. Sabendo que o volume da pirmide de 12m3 , temos que a altura da pirmide mede (em metros):

Questão 24

(ITA - 2001 - 2 FASE )Justificar por que cada uma das opes A, C e D da questo 13 est CORRETA ou ERRADA. Q13) - Sulfato de cobre penta - hidratado ( ) colocado em um recipiente fechado, de volume constante, previamente evacuado, provido de um medidor de presso e de um dispositivo de entrada/sada para reagentes. A 25C estabelecido, dentro do recipiente, o equilbrio representado pela equao qumica: Quando o equilbrio atingido, a presso dentro do recipiente igual a 7,6 mmHg. A seguir, a presso de vapor da gua aumentada para 12 mmHg e um novo equilbrio restabelecido na mesma temperatura. A respeito do efeito de aumento da presso de vapor de gua sobre o equilbrio de dissociao do (c) , qual das opes seguintes contm a afirmao ERRADA? a) o valor da constante de equilbrio Kp igual a 1,0x b) a quantidade de gua na fase gasosa permanece praticamente inalterada. c) A concentrao (mol/L) de gua na fase(c) permanece inalterada. d) A concentrao em (mol/L) de gua na fase slida total permanece inalterada. e) A massa total do contedo do recipiente aumenta.

Questão 24

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Curiosity killed a cat.That cautionary clichhas passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (...) While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York -a research and development facility -I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural -but it wasnt unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive. I was thrilled -and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic. Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (...) What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach -a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity, -that word again. Of course, today we dont take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, theres another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all a cat has nine lives. Well, so do artists. Don Bolognese Watson-Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted) p.8/9. Considere as afirmaes abaixo: I. O New York Institute of Technologyoferece muitas facilidades para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas em computao grfica. II. O autor sempre se interessou por computao grfica. III. O autor sempre inicia workshopsrelatando seu primeiro contato com computao grfica no New York Institute of Technology. Est(o) condizente(s) com o texto:

Questão 24

(ITA -2001 - 1a Fase) Um centmetro cbico de gua passa a ocupar 1671cm3 quando evaporado presso de 1,0atm. O calor de vaporizao a essa presso de 539cal/g. O valor que mais seaproxima do aumento de energia da gua

Questão 24

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Num trapzio retngulo circunscritvel, a soma dos dois lados paralelos igual a 18cm e a diferena dos dois outros lados igual a 2cm. Se r o raio da circunferncia inscrita e a o comprimento do menor lado do trapzio, ento a soma a+r (em cm) igual a:

Questão 25

(ITA - 2001 - 2 FASE ) Justificar por que cada uma das opes B e C da questo 14 est CORRETA ou ERRADA. Uma clula eletroltica foi construda utilizando-se 200 mL de uma soluo aquosa 1,0 mol/L em NaCl com pH igual a 7 a 25 C, duas chapas de platina de mesmas dimenses e uma fonte estabilizada de corrente eltrica. Antes de iniciar a eletrlise, a temperatura da soluo foi aumentada e mantida num valor constante iguala 60C. Nesta temperatura, foi permitido que corrente eltrica flusse pelo circuito eltrico num certo intervalo de tempo. Decorrido este intervalo de tempo, o pH da soluo, ainda a 60C, foi medido novamente e um valor igual a 7 foi encontrado. Levando em considerao os fatos mencionados neste enunciado e sabendo que o valor numrico da constante de dissociao da gua (Kw) para a temperatura de 60C igual a 9,6 x , correto afirmar que a) o carter cido - base da soluo eletroltica aps a eletrlise neutro b) o carter cido - base da soluo eletroltica aps a eletrlise alcalino c) a reao andica predominante aquela representada pela meia - equao: d) a reao catdica, durante a eletrlise, aquela representada pela meia - equao: e) a reao andica, durante a eletrlise, aquela representada pela meia - equao:..

Questão 25

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) O coeficiente angular da reta tangente elipse no primeiro quadrante e que corta o eixo das abscissas no ponto P = (8,0)

Questão 25

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Um elevador est descendo com velocidade constante. Durante este movimento, uma lmpada, que o iluminava, desprende-se do teto e cai. Sabendo que o teto est a 3,0m de altura acima do piso do elevador, o tempo que a lmpada demora para atingir o piso

Questão 25

(ITA - 2001 - 1a Fase) Curiosity killed a cat.That cautionary clichhas passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (...) While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York -a research and development facility -I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural -but it wasnt unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive. I was thrilled -and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic. Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (...) What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach -a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity, -that word again. Of course, today we dont take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, theres another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all a cat has nine lives. Well, so do artists. Don Bolognese Watson-Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted) p.8/9. As expresses populares sobre gatos foram utilizadas no incio e no final do texto para: