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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 8

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Um cubo de peso P1, construdo com um material cuja densidade 1, dispe de uma regio vazia em seu interior e, quando inteiramente imerso em um lquido de densidade 2, seu peso reduz-se a P2. Assinale a expresso com o volume da regio vazia deste cubo.

Questão 9

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Se P e Q so pontos que pertencem circunferncia x2 + y2 = 4 e reta y = 2(1 x), ento o valor do cosseno do ngulo PQ igual a

Questão 9

(ITA - 2016 - 1 Fase) No estado padro, de 0,240 V o potencial da pilha cuja reao pode ser descrita pela seguinte equao qumica: 2 NO + O2+ H2O 2 HNO2 Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o valor da energia livre padro da reao, em 1 kJ.mol-1.

Questão 9

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Um pndulo simples composto por uma massa presa a um fio metlico de peso desprezvel. A figura registra medidas do tempo T em segundos, para 10 oscilaes completas e seguidas do pndulo ocorridas ao longo das horas do dia, t. Considerando que neste dia houve uma variao trmica total de 20◦C, assinale o valor do coeficiente de dilatao trmica do fio deste pndulo.

Questão 9

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) De acordo com a descrio dos tipos de inteligncia apresentados na figura:

Questão 10

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Um tringulo retngulo tempermetro igual a, em que comprimento da hipotenusa. Seeso seus ngulos agudos, com, ento igual a

Questão 10

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Considere as seguintes construes lxico-gramaticais da figura: I. O uso do -ing mostra que os tipos de inteligncia so momentneos. II. O uso dos pronomes you, we, your, yourself possibilita identificao dos leitores com a figura. III. Os pronomes what e why tm funo interrogativa. Est(o) correta(s)

Questão 10

(ITA - 2016 - 1 Fase) Quantidades iguais de H2(g) e I2(g) foram colocadas em um frasco, com todo o sistema temperatura T, resultando na presso total de 1 bar. Verificou-se que houve a produo de HI(g), cuja presso parcial foi de 22,8 kPa.Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o valor que mais se aproxima do valor CORRETO da constante de equilbrio desta reao.

Questão 10

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Um pndulo simples oscila com uma amplitude mxima de 60◦ em relao vertical, momento em que a tenso no cabo de 10 N. Assinale a opo com o valor da tenso no ponto em que ele atinge sua velocidade mxima.

Questão 11

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Um lquido condutor (metal fundido) flui no interior de duas chapas metlicas paralelas, interdistantes de 2,0 cm, formando um capacitor plano, conforme a figura. Toda essa regio interna est submetida a um campo homogneo de induo magntica de 0,01 T, paralelo aos planos das chapas, atuando perpendicularmente direo da velocidade do escoamento. Assinale a opo com o mdulo dessa velocidade quando a diferena de potencial medida entre as placas for de 0,40 mV.

Questão 11

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Se M = e N = , ento MNT M1N igual a:

Questão 11

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Teflon was Invented by Accident Today I found out Teflon was invented by accident. The man who accidentally invented it was Dr. Roy Plunkett. After receiving his BA, MS, and eventually PhD in organic chemistry, Dr. Plunkett took a job with DuPont, in Jackson New Jersey. He was subsequently assigned to work on synthesizing various new forms of refrigerant, trying to find a non-toxic alternative to refrigerants like sulfur dioxide and ammonia. According to DuPont, in 1938, 27 year old Dr. Plunkett and his assistant, Jack Rebok, were experimenting with one such potential alternative refrigerant, tetrafluorethylene (TFE). Dr. Plunkett subsequently created around 100 pounds of TFE and stored the gas in small cylinders. On April 6, 1938, upon opening the valve on one of the pressurized cylinders of TFE that had previously been frozen, nothing came out, even though by its weight, it seemed to still be full. Dr. Plunkett and Jack Rebok then decided to investigate further by cutting the cylinder open. Once they managed to get it open, they discovered that the TFE gas inside had polymerized into a waxy white powder, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin. Ever the scientist, Plunkett then proceeded to run tests on this new substance to see if it had any unique or useful properties. Four of the most important properties of this substance discovered were that it was extremely slippery (one of the slipperiest substances known to man), non-corrosive, chemically stable, and that it had an extremely high melting point. These properties were deemed interesting enough that the study of the substance was transferred to DuPonts Central Research Department and assigned to chemists that had special experience in polymer research and development, while Dr. Plunkett was then promoted and transferred to a separate division that produced tetraethyl (sic), used to boost gasoline octane levels. Three years later, the process and name of Teflon were patented and trademarked. Four years after that, Teflon first began being sold, initially only used for various industrial and military applications due to the expense of producing TFE. By the 1960s, various forms of Teflon were being used in a variety of applications, such as stain repellant in fabrics and electrical wire insulation. It was also in the 1960s that Teflon began being used in its most publicly known application, as a coating for non-stick pans. Today, Teflon or other brands of the same product are also used in windshield wipers; carpets and furniture (as a stain repellant); light bulbs; coating on glasses; in various hair products; in semiconductor manufacturing; automotive lubricant; igniters for solid-fuel rocket propellants; and in infrared decoy flares, among other things. Adaptado de www.todayIfoundout.com (acesso em 19/07/2015). De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar que Dr. Roy Plunkett

Questão 11

(ITA - 2016 - 1 Fase) Considere uma clula eletroltica na forma de um tubo em H, preenchido com soluo aquosa de NaNO3 e tendo eletrodos inertes mergulhados em cada ramo vertical do tubo e conectados a uma fonte externa. Num determinado instante, injeta-se uma soluo aquosa CuCrO4 de verde na parte central do ramo horizontal do tubo. Aps algum tempo de eletrlise, observa-se uma mancha azul e uma amarela, separadas (em escala) de acordo como esquema da figura. Com base nas informaes do enunciado e da figura, assinale a opo ERRADA.

Questão 12

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Considere as afirmaes a seguir: I. Se z e w so nmeros complexos tais que ziw = 12i e wz = 2+3i, ento z2+w2 = 3+6i. II. A soma de todos os nmeros complexos z que satisfazem 2|z|2 + z2 = 4 + 2i igual a zero. III. Se z = 1 i, ento z59 = 229(1 + i). (so) verdadeira(s)

Questão 12

(ITA - 2016 - 1 FASE) Teflon was Invented by Accident Today I found out Teflon was invented by accident. The man who accidentally invented it was Dr. Roy Plunkett. After receiving his BA, MS, and eventually PhD in organic chemistry, Dr. Plunkett took a job with DuPont, in Jackson New Jersey. He was subsequently assigned to work on synthesizing various new forms of refrigerant, trying to find a non-toxic alternative to refrigerants like sulfur dioxide and ammonia. According to DuPont, in 1938, 27 year old Dr. Plunkett and his assistant, Jack Rebok, were experimenting with one such potential alternative refrigerant, tetrafluorethylene (TFE). Dr. Plunkett subsequently created around 100 pounds of TFE and stored the gas in small cylinders. On April 6, 1938, upon opening the valve on one of the pressurized cylinders of TFE that had previously been frozen, nothing came out, even though by its weight, it seemed to still be full. Dr. Plunkett and Jack Rebok then decided to investigate further by cutting the cylinder open. Once they managed to get it open, they discovered that the TFE gas inside had polymerized into a waxy white powder, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin. Ever the scientist, Plunkett then proceeded to run tests on this new substance to see if it had any unique or useful properties. Four of the most important properties of this substance discovered were that it was extremely slippery (one of the slipperiest substances known to man), non-corrosive, chemically stable, and that it had an extremely high melting point. These properties were deemed interesting enough that the study of the substance was transferred to DuPonts Central Research Department and assigned to chemists that had special experience in polymer research and development, while Dr. Plunkett was then promoted and transferred to a separate division that produced tetraethyl (sic), used to boost gasoline octane levels. Three years later, the process and name of Teflon were patented and trademarked. Four years after that, Teflon first began being sold, initially only used for various industrial and military applications due to the expense of producing TFE. By the 1960s, various forms of Teflon were being used in a variety of applications, such as stain repellant in fabrics and electrical wire insulation. It was also in the 1960s that Teflon began being used in its most publicly known application, as a coating for non-stick pans. Today, Teflon or other brands of the same product are also used in windshield wipers; carpets and furniture (as a stain repellant); light bulbs; coating on glasses; in various hair products; in semiconductor manufacturing; automotive lubricant; igniters for solid-fuel rocket propellants; and in infrared decoy flares, among other things. Adaptado de www.todayIfoundout.com (acesso em 19/07/2015). Dentre as propriedades da resina PTFE citadas no texto, no se inclui a