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Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 14

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Qual das substncias a seguir apresenta isomeria geomtrica?

Questão 14

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) American News POLITICS (...) Less than a month after being thrust into the role of Senate Majority Leader, Daschle has brushed past the objections of President Bush... FLASH POINTS IN THE SENATE 1.Democrats hope to capitalize on public disenchantment with the Bush energy plan by introducing one with greater emphasis on conservation, energy efficiency, and tax credits to promote green technology. 2. Senate Dems will try to force Bush to accept a broader, more expensive package of prescription benefits for seniors. Showdown issue: who shall run the program - the Medicare system or states and private insures? 3. Daschle and Bush are both free-traders, however, a fast-track bill without provisions to protect the environment or international labor standards - like one backed by House Republicans - will face trouble. 4. The Bushies and Senate Democrats have reached an uneasy truce in the war over federal judgeships. But expect a fight if Daschle concludes that the White House is trying to pack the judiciary with conservative activists. Business Week (adapted) July 16, 2001. Qual das expresses a seguir, extradas do texto, NO indica expectativa/ao futura?

Questão 14

(ITA - 2002- 1a Fase) Uma mquina trmica reversvel opera entre dois reservatrios trmicos de temperaturas 100 C e 127 C, respectivamente, gerando gases aquecidos para acionar uma turbina. A eficincia dessa mquina melhor representada por

Questão 15

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Considere os sistemas apresentados a seguir: I. Creme de leite II. Maionese comercial III. leo de soja IV. Gasolina V. Poliestireno expandido Desses, so classificados como sistemas coloidais:

Questão 15

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) THE GREAT ENGLISH DIVIDE Antonio Sanz might as well have won the lottery. In 1965, when the small, curly-haired Spaniard was 10, an American professor asked his parents if she might take the boy to the U.S. and enroll him in public school. They agreed. America seemed to offer a brighter future than the dairy farms where his father worked in the foothills north of Madrid. Sanz left, but came back to Spain every summer with stories from Philadelphia and boxes of New World artifacts: Super Balls, baseball cards, and Bob Dylan records. His real prize, though, was English. Sanz learned fast, and by senior year he outscored most of his honors English classmates in the verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. In those days, back in his hometown of Colmenar Viejo, English seemed so exotic that kids would stop him on the street and ask him to say a few sentences. By the time he graduated from Hamilton College in Clinton, N. Y., and moved back to Spain, American companies there were nearly as excited. He landed in Procter Gamble Co. Sanz, now 46 and a father of three, employs his Philadelphia English as an executive at Vodafone PLC in Madrid. But something funny has happened to his second language. These days, English is no longer special, or odd, or even foreign. In Paris, Dsseldorf, Madrid, and even in the streets of Colmenar Viejo, English has put down roots. What else can we speak? Sanz asks. (...) Business Week Aug 13, 2001. A primeira frase do texto refere-se:

Questão 15

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um pedao de gelo flutua em equilbrio trmico com uma certa quantidade de gua depositada em um balde. medida que o gelo derrete, podemos afirmar que:

Questão 15

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Seja A uma matriz real 2 x 2. Suponha que e sejam dois nmeros distintos, e V e W duas matrizes reais 2 x 1 no-nulas, tais que AV = V e AW = W. Se a, b IR so tais que aV + bW igual matriz nula 2x1, ento a + b vale

Questão 16

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) O tringulo ABC, inscrito numa circunferncia, tem um lado medindo cm, cujo ngulo oposto de 15o . O comprimento da circunferncia, em cm,

Questão 16

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Assinale a opo que apresenta um par de substncias isomorfas.

Questão 16

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) THE GREAT ENGLISH DIVIDE Antonio Sanz might as well have won the lottery. In 1965, when the small, curly-haired Spaniard was 10, an American professor asked his parents if she might take the boy to the U.S. and enroll him in public school. They agreed. America seemed to offer a brighter future than the dairy farms where his father worked in the foothills north of Madrid. Sanz left, but came back to Spain every summer with stories from Philadelphia and boxes of New World artifacts: Super Balls, baseball cards, and Bob Dylan records. His real prize, though, was English. Sanz learned fast, and by senior year he outscored most of his honors English classmates in the verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. In those days, back in his hometown of Colmenar Viejo, English seemed so exotic that kids would stop him on the street and ask him to say a few sentences. By the time he graduated from Hamilton College in Clinton, N. Y., and moved back to Spain, American companies there were nearly as excited. He landed in Procter Gamble Co. Sanz, now 46 and a father of three, employs his Philadelphia English as an executive at Vodafone PLC in Madrid. But something funny has happened to his second language. These days, English is no longer special, or odd, or even foreign. In Paris, Dsseldorf, Madrid, and even in the streets of Colmenar Viejo, English has put down roots. What else can we speak? Sanz asks. (...) Business Week Aug 13, 2001. Antonio Sanz foi estudar nos E.U.A., pois:

Questão 16

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um pequeno tanque, completamente preenchido com 20,0 de gasolina a 0 F, logo a seguir transferido para uma garagem mantida temperatura de 70 F. Sendo = 0,0012 C-1 o coeficiente de expanso volumtrica da gasolina, a alternativa que melhor expressa o volume de gasolina que vazar em consequncia do seu aquecimento at a temperatura da garagem

Questão 17

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, duas retas r e s, com coeficientes angulares 2 e 1/2, respectivamente, se interceptam na origem 0. Se B r e C s so dois pontos no primeiro quadrante tais que o segmento perpendicular a r e a rea do tringulo OBC igual a 1210-1, ento a distncia de B ao eixo das ordenadas vale

Questão 17

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) THE GREAT ENGLISH DIVIDE Antonio Sanz might as well have won the lottery. In 1965, when the small, curly-haired Spaniard was 10, an American professor asked his parents if she might take the boy to the U.S. and enroll him in public school. They agreed. America seemed to offer a brighter future than the dairy farms where his father worked in the foothills north of Madrid. Sanz left, but came back to Spain every summer with stories from Philadelphia and boxes of New World artifacts: Super Balls, baseball cards, and Bob Dylan records. His real prize, though, was English. Sanz learned fast, and by senior year he outscored most of his honors English classmates in the verbal section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. In those days, back in his hometown of Colmenar Viejo, English seemed so exotic that kids would stop him on the street and ask him to say a few sentences. By the time he graduated from Hamilton College in Clinton, N. Y., and moved back to Spain, American companies there were nearly as excited. He landed in Procter Gamble Co. Sanz, now 46 and a father of three, employs his Philadelphia English as an executive at Vodafone PLC in Madrid. But something funny has happened to his second language. These days, English is no longer special, or odd, or even foreign. In Paris, Dsseldorf, Madrid, and even in the streets of Colmenar Viejo, English has put down roots. What else can we speak? Sanz asks. (...) Business Week Aug 13, 2001. A frase que melhor expressa a idia principal do texto :

Questão 17

(ITA - 2002) Considere as solues aquosas obtidas pela dissoluo das seguintesquantidades de solutos em um 1L de gua: I. 1 mol de acetato de sdio e 1 mol de cido actico. II. 2 mols de amnia e 1 mol de cido clordrico. III. 2 mols de cido actico e 1 mol de hidrxido de sdio. IV. 1 mol de hidrxido de sdio e 1 mol de cido clordrico. V. 1 mol de hidrxido de amnio e 1 mol de cido actico. Das solues obtidas, apresentam efeito tamponante

Questão 17

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Deseja-se enrolar um solenoide de comprimento z e dimetro D, utilizando-seuma nica camada de fio de cobre de dimetro d enrolado o mais junto possvel. A umatemperatura de 75C, a resistncia por unidade de comprimento do fio r. Afim de evitar que atemperatura ultrapasse os 75C, pretende-se restringir a um valor P a potncia dissipada porefeito Joule. O mximo valor do campo de induo magntica que se pode obter dentro dosolenoide :