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Questões - ITA | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 37

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e assinale Of course theyre fake videos, everyone can see theyre not real. All the same, they really did say those things, didnt they? These are the words of Vivienne Rook, the fictional politician played by Emma Thompson in the brilliant dystopian BBC TV drama Years and Years. The episode in question, set in 2027, tackles the subject of deepfakes - videos in which a living persons face and voice are digitally manipulated to say anything the programmer wants. Rook perfectly sums up the problem with these videos - even if you know they are fake, they leave a lingering impression. And her words are ali the more compelling because deepfakes are real and among us already. Last year, several deepfake porn videos emerged online, appearing to show celebrities such as Emma Watson, Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift in explicit situations. [...] In some cases, the deepfakes are almost indistinguishable from the real thing - which is particularly worrying for politicians and other people in the public eye. Videos that may initially have been created for laughs could easily be misinterpreted by viewers. Earlier this year, for example, a digitally altered video appeared to show Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, slurring drunkenly through a speech. The video was widely shared on Facebook and YouTube, before being tweeted by President Donald Trump with the caption: PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE. The video was debunked, but not before it had been viewed millions of times. Trump has still not deleted the tweet, which has been retweeted over 30,000 times. The current approach of social media companies is to filter out and reduce the distribution of deepfake videos, rather than outright removing them - unless they are pornographic. This can result in victims suffering severe reputational damage, not to mention ongoing humiliation and ridicule from viewers. Deepfakes are one of the most alarming trends I have witnessed as a Congresswoman to date, said US Congresswoman Yvette Clarke in a recent article for Quartz. If the American public can be made to believe and trust altered videos of presidential candidates, our democracy is in grave danger. We need to work together to stop deepfakes from becoming the defining feature of the 2020 elections. Of course, its not just democracy that is at risk, but also the economy, the legal system and even individuais themselves. Clarke warns that, if deepfake technology continues to evolve without a check, video evidente could lose its credibility during trials. It is not hard to imagine it being used by disgruntled ex-lovers, employees and random people on the internet to exact revenge and ruiu peoples reputations. The software for creating these videos is already widely available. Fonte:Curtis, Sophie.https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/deepfake-videos-creepy-new-internet-18289900. Adaptado. Acessado em Agosto/2019 No trecho: its not just democracy that is at risk, but also the economy, a expresso sublinhada expressa uma ideia de

Questão 38

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Leia o texto e assinale Of course theyre fake videos, everyone can see theyre not real. All the same, they really did say those things, didnt they? These are the words of Vivienne Rook, the fictional politician played by Emma Thompson in the brilliant dystopian BBC TV drama Years and Years. The episode in question, set in 2027, tackles the subject of deepfakes - videos in which a living persons face and voice are digitally manipulated to say anything the programmer wants. Rook perfectly sums up the problem with these videos - even if you know they are fake, they leave a lingering impression. And her words are ali the more compelling because deepfakes are real and among us already. Last year, several deepfake porn videos emerged online, appearing to show celebrities such as Emma Watson, Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift in explicit situations. [...] In some cases, the deepfakes are almost indistinguishable from the real thing - which is particularly worrying for politicians and other people in the public eye. Videos that may initially have been created for laughs could easily be misinterpreted by viewers. Earlier this year, for example, a digitally altered video appeared to show Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, slurring drunkenly through a speech. The video was widely shared on Facebook and YouTube, before being tweeted by President Donald Trump with the caption: PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE. The video was debunked, but not before it had been viewed millions of times. Trump has still not deleted the tweet, which has been retweeted over 30,000 times. The current approach of social media companies is to filter out and reduce the distribution of deepfake videos, rather than outright removing them - unless they are pornographic. This can result in victims suffering severe reputational damage, not to mention ongoing humiliation and ridicule from viewers. Deepfakes are one of the most alarming trends I have witnessed as a Congresswoman to date, said US Congresswoman Yvette Clarke in a recent article for Quartz. If the American public can be made to believe and trust altered videos of presidential candidates, our democracy is in grave danger. We need to work together to stop deepfakes from becoming the defining feature of the 2020 elections. Of course, its not just democracy that is at risk, but also the economy, the legal system and even individuais themselves. Clarke warns that, if deepfake technology continues to evolve without a check, video evidence could lose its credibility during trials. It is not hard to imagine it being used by disgruntled ex-lovers, employees and random people on the internet to exact revenge and ruiu peoples reputations. The software for creating these videos is already widely available. Fonte:Curtis, Sophie.https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/deepfake-videos-creepy-new-internet-18289900. Adaptado. Acessado em Agosto/2019 De acordo com a congressista Yvette Clarke, pelos diversos riscos representados pelos vdeos deepfake, necessrio

Questão 39

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) About seven years ago, three researchers at the University of Toronto built a system that could analyze thousands of photos and teach itself to recognize everyday objects, like dogs, cars and flowers. The system was so effective that Google bought the tiny start-up these researchers were only just getting off the ground. And soon, their system sparked a technological revolution. Suddenly, machines could see in a way that was not possible in the past. This morde it easier for a smartphone app to search your personal photos and find the images you were looking for. It accelerated the progress of driverless cars and other robotics. And it improved the accuracy of facial recognition services, for social networks like Facebook and for the country s law enforcement agencies. But soon, researchers noticed that these facial recognition services were less accurate when used with women and people of color. Activists raised concerns over how companies were collecting the huge amounts of data needed to train these kinds of systems. Others worried these systems would eventually lead to mass surveillance or autonomous weapons. Fonte: Matz, Cade. Seeking Ground Rules for A. 1. www.nvtimes.com, 01/03/2019. Adaptado. Acessado em Agosto/2019.) De acordo com as informaes do texto, selecione a alternativa que melhor complete a afirmao: The new system proved to be less precise when

Questão 40

(ITA -2020 - 1 FASE) About seven years ago, three researchers at the University of Toronto built a system that could analyze thousands of photos and teach itself to recognize everyday objects, like dogs, cars and flowers. The system was so effective that Google bought the tiny start-up these researchers were only just getting off the ground. And soon, their system sparked a technological revolution. Suddenly, machines could see in a way that was not possible in the past. This morde it easier for a smartphone app to search your personal photos and find the images you were looking for. It accelerated the progress of driverless cars and other robotics. And it improved the accuracy of facial recognition services, for social networks like Facebook and for the country s law enforcement agencies. But soon, researchers noticed that these facial recognition services were less accurate when used with women and people of color. Activists raised concerns over how companies were collecting the huge amounts of data needed to train these kinds of systems. Others worried these systems would eventually lead to mass surveillance or autonomous weapons. Fonte: Matz, Cade. Seeking Ground Rules for A1. www.nvtimes.com, 01/03/2019. Adaptado. Acessado em Agosto/2019.) Analise as afirmaes de I a IV em destaque. I. Ativistas manifestaram preocupao em relao forma como as empresas estavam coletando enormes quantidades de dados para treinar sistemas de reconhecimento. II. A Universidade de Toronto construiu um sistema tico de Inteligncia Artificial para reconhecimento de imagens. III. Uma das preocupaes de ativistas era a possibilidade de tais sistemas conduzirem a vigilncia em massa ou armamento autnomo. IV. Empresas privadas de tecnologia, como Google, e redes digitais, como Facebook, junto com algumas agncias governamentais, chegaram a um consenso quanto a uma tica da Inteligncia Artificial. V. Algumas leis foram desenvolvidas por alguns grupos especficos de pessoas para decidir sobre o futuro da Inteligncia Artificial. De acordo com o texto, esto corretas apenas:

Questão 41

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Sejamenmeros reais tais queeEnto o produto de igual a

Questão 42

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Sejam a, b e c nmeros reais, , tais que a2 + b2 = c2. Se a, b e c formam, nessa ordem de umaprogresso geomtrica de razo k, ento o produto P e a soma S de todos os possveis valores para Kso iguais a

Questão 43

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) A parte real da soma infinita da progresso geomtrica cujo termo geral an dado por igual a

Questão 44

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Duas curvas planase so definidas pelas equaes Sejam P e Q os pontos de interseo de c1 com o eixo x e R e S os pontos de interseo de c2 com o eixo y A rea do quadriltero convexo de vrticesP,Q,R e S:

Questão 45

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) A cada aniversrio, seu bolo tem uma quantidade de velas igual sua idade. As velas so vendidas em pacotes com 12 unidades.e todo ano comprado apenas um novo pacote. As velas remanescentes so guardadas para os anos seguintes, desde o seu primeiro aniversrio. Qual a sua idade, em anos, no primeiro ano em que as velas sero insuficientes?

Questão 46

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Seja A um ponto externo a uma circunferncia de centro O e raio r. Considere uma reta passando por A e secante a nos pontos C e D tal que o segmento AC externo a e tem comprimento igual a r. Seja B o ponto de tal que O pertence ao segmento AB. Se o ngulo BD mede 10, ento a medida do ngulo BD igual a

Questão 47

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Seja a um nmero real satisfazendo. Ento, a soma de todos os valores deque satisfazem a equao igual a

Questão 48

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Considere o polinmio p(x) = x3 - mx2 + x + 5 + n, sendo m, n nmeros reais fixados. Sabe-se que toda raiz z = a + bi, com a, , da equao p(z) = 0 satisfaz a igualdade a = mb2 + nb -1. Ento, a soma dos quadrados das razes de p(z) = 0 igual a

Questão 49

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) A expanso decimal do nmero 100! = 100 99 ... 2 1 possui muitos algarismos iguais a zero. Contando da direita para a esquerda, a partir do dgito das unidades, o nmero de zeros, que esse nmero possui antes de um dgito no nulo aparecer, igual a

Questão 50

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Seja um polinmio com coeficientes reais. Sabendo que: I. p(x) divisvel por x2 - 4; II. a soma das razes de p(x) igual a 1; III. o produto das razes de p(x) igual a 3; IV. ento p(1) igual a

Questão 52

(ITA - 2020 - 1 FASE) Dado, definaee considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. seou irracional, ento irracional. II. seeso racionais, ento racional II. se irracional, ento irracional. (so) VERDADEIRA(S)